954 797 472
954 797 472
Santa Cruz & San Cristobal
ابتداء من 939 €

Santa Cruz & San Cristobal

حزمة عطلة
تاريخ الإنشاء: الجمعة، 2024/09/27
الرقم المرجعي: 11045716
السعر للفرد ابتداء من
939 €
تقييم/تقييمات ٢ راشدونs
تاريخ الإنشاء: الجمعة، 2024/09/27
مسار الرحلة
المزيد من الصور (4)


Upon arrival at Baltra airport, they must pass through the National Park where the

value of the entry to the National Park will be cancelled (Value not included. After having passed the respective checks and baggage removal, staff assigned us will receive you at the exit gate of Baltra airport. Our staff will give you the instructions for the payment of the ECOGAL fee or

"Lobito", which is a fee for the use of transport airport own transportation, the cost is USD 5.00 (Value not included). Together with the

guide we will board the bus "Lobito" available to reach the Itabaca Canal, where through a barge we will cross to Santa Cruz Island.


After the crossing we will board the transport assigned to go to their respective hotel in Puerto Ayora. Check in at the hotel (Room delivery times subject to the policies of each hotel). Lunch. At the time indicated by the guide, we will leave for the Charles Darwin Scientific Station, which is a biological research station operated by the Charles Darwin Foundation. During the tour you will be able to maintain a very close contact with the turtles, which are in the pens, as well as with the giant cactus forests where where several land birds live. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Overnight



Breakfast. At the time assigned by the guide, we will leave on the assigned transport heading towards Tortuga Bay beach, the transport will leave us at the beginning of the trail that leads to the beach. The walk along the cobbled path will be on foot, during this tour we can observe different species of animals and plants typical of the sector, such as lava lizards, finches, cactus, among others


The Tortuga Bay beach is a nesting place for turtles and marine iguanas, a paradisiacal white sandy beach surrounded by mangroves. A beach in the naturalstate, so we recommend to take what you need, bathing suit, bag for garbage,

water and to desire it, some snack. After walking through Playa Brava, we will reach Playa Mansa, where we can enjoy the sun and swim in its crystal clear waters, on the beach there is the option of kayak rental (not included) if you are interested in practicing this sport, is an ideal place. After a beach time, we will return along the trail until we reach the assigned transport and return to the hotel. Lunch.


At the time agreed with the guide from the hotel we will leave in the transport assigned to the Upper Part of Santa Cruz Island, where we will make three stops of iconic places in this sector, Rancho Primicias, Lava Tunnels, Twin Craters.

At the ranch we can observe turtles in their natural habitat. The lava tunnels are a unique place as the lava flows have formed a large number of arches or tunnels an unparalleled walk, then a stop is made at the Twin Craters. Two

subsidences of land, caused by a volcanic depression over the years, in this place predominate the plants of scalesias, mosses and orchids. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Overnight stay.  



At the morning we will take one of the speedboats to go the next island of the package, San Cristobal, the duration of these transfer are of 3 hours, after arrive to the island, we will make the check in at the hotel. 


We will make the check in at the hotel. At the afternoon we will go to the higher land of the island The highlands of San Cristobal exhibit distinctly different biozones than the other inhabited islands. The first stop on this trans-island journey is at El Junco, a freshwater lagoon nested in the center of the islands. Here you can view Frigatebirds and other water fowl bathing in the lagoon.


Moving on from the lagoon you will stop at La Galapaguera, San Cristobal's Tortoise research and conservation center, where a short walk through the jungle allows you to see and learn about this island's growing Tortoise population in a natural setting. The road ends at Puerto Chino beach, which is a remote bay onthe southeast side of the island.  



León Dormido also known alternately as Kicker Rock , or by its English name of «Kicker Rock» is an uninhabited islet located 30 minutes from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - San Cristobal, Ecuador. It is a rock formation or eroded cone of volcanic tufa (ash) located off the island of San Cristobal. It is a haven for many seabirds such as blue-footed boobies, as well as sea lions. The waters around the rock

are home to numerous species of fish, sea turtles, rays and hammerhead sharks.

It reaches a maximum of 148 meters in height.   



Breakfast. Depending on the time of your flight, the guide will assign you one hour pick up from your hotel to transfer us to Baltra airport.

السعر للفرد ابتداء من
939 €
تقييم/تقييمات ٢ راشدونs
احجز مباشرة دون تغييرات
تشتمل هذه الفكرة
الوجهات 2
نقل 1
أماكن الإقامة 2
الجولات 1
ملخص الجولة
نقطة التقاء
Aeropuerto in Baltra - Santa Cruz - Galapagos ( GPS )
موعد النهاية

• Traslado aeropuerto - hotel - aeropuerto

• Alojamiento en el hotel seleccionado con desayuno.

• Excursiones mencionadas en el itinerario.

• Guía naturalista bilingüe en todos los tours (inglés / español)

• Barco privado de pasajeros.

• Equipo de snorkeling

• Contribución a la comunidad local


• Entrada al Parque Nacional Galápagos

• Tarjeta de Migración Galápagos / Ingala

• Bus en el apt ( 5 USD )

• Excursiones opcionales como suplemento.

• Comidas y bebidas no mencionadas en el itinerario.

• Consejos (no requerido)

• Seguro de viaje

• Extras

أماكن الإقامة المخططة

El hotel de Alojamiento es de clase turista

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